Wednesday, August 14, 2019



by: Helmar Freires
Grade 12 - 6, TVL


This blog will serve as our portfolio in our MIL ( Media and Information Literacy) subject. It contains all the Activities, Projects, Assignments, etc. Our Instructor / Adviser expects us to submit all of our works here.

About the Author

I'm Helmar Freires from Marikina City, a Grade 12 student in Marikina Polytechnic College (MPC)
I love minimalism, house plants, and the arts. I'm keeping this site really simple and clean because I believe in the saying that simplicity is beauty.
I hope you enjoy all the content that you'll see in this simple ePortfolio.

>> know more about the author? Click here <<



I would like to say thank you to our Advisor / Instructor for teaching us how to do this blog. I feel really grateful that he provided things like a projector and laptop just to teach us how to create a blog like this. 

To my parents that don't get tired of taking care of me and providing me everything. I won't be able to do something like this if they're not a part of my life.

To the supernatural being that always protect me and my family, thank you for helping me finish this project. 📿

Creative Commons License
                       MIL ePORTFOLIO by Helmar Freires is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.