Motion Media Project

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Motion Media

What is Motion Media? is visual media that gives the appearance of a movement can be a collection of graphics, footage, videos. It is combined with audio, text and /or interactive content to create multimedia.


this is our self-made stop motion video.
Me and Shaica Quezon, my friend got a really hard time doing this because of the typhoon that just landfall near in our city that's why the government of Marikina declared a class suspension for 2 days that's why we didn't get a chance to meet up and do the project, another factor of this is that we're only 2 in our group that should have at least 5 members. But we are still grateful because we did our best and it turned out okay.

The story of this Stop-motion video is about a bee that is wandering around to get pollen like what a common bee do. But suddenly a frog came into its way and that's the end of his life.

Different camera Angles/Shots Video

This video is an old one that I got from my YouTube channel. 
Every scene shows different camera angles and shots that is taken on UP Diliman.
I didn't have a groupmates on this one because I find it hard to look for a partner since everyone I ask already have a partner or complete group. Also Shaica wasn't able to help me do one because she's a bit busy doing tasks and helping her grandmother at home.

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